We are fortunate to live in a pretty nice area of Colorado - in which there are some pretty nice houses/mansions/second or even third homes - and we were even more fortunate to hear of some pretty nice windows being removed from one of these homes and being thrown away. We were told if we wanted to go and pick these windows up - they were ours!
We jumped on this offer and headed over to the gated community in which said windows were located in our Budget rental van - and went about gathering them up!
Unfortunately they were pretty damn heavy - Chris had a 'gammy' foot and could hardly walk. I'll stop right there and copy the definition of gammy - for all those non-UK followers !!
gammy [ˈgæmɪ]
adj -mier,
Brit slang (esp of the leg) malfunctioning, injured, or lame; game US equivalent gimpy
So anyway - our little Hispanic friend, Miguel who was working at the house decided he would help us out - we felt somewhat worthless - but he got the job done and we got two pretty nice windows out of the deal - apparently two more are to follow - so keeping our fingers crossed for that - and also for that Miguel will be there to help!!
Chris trying to help carry the extremely heavy window with Miguel - after the attempts with me failed! |
Stunning views of Beaver Creek from the house ! |
Miguel couldn't handle the lame attempt from Chris - so just took the window himself!! |
Still carrying the window - it was a slight trek back up to the road - I was very grateful. Chris was quiet.
His manhood took a blow that day!!! |
New window in place! Needs a little clean. |
View from the inside! |
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